Dublin CODING School is delighted to introduce Gautam Gupta, our new Lecturer in Data Analytics. Gautam is Production Services Analyst at Dreamtek.


What first attracted you to Data Analytics?

“Processed data is information. Processed information is knowledge and Processed knowledge is Wisdom” – Ankala V. Subbarao; when this quote came across my eyes in 2015, it had an overwhelming effect on me. I was already working as an Associate System Engineer in IBM India when I read the quote which persuaded me to observe the data that I see every day as an actionable business insight. This drove me towards the goal of pursuing Masters in Business Analytics.

What does your current working day look like?

As a typical Data Analyst workday, it varies from business to business, team to team and even project to project depending on what problem you are trying to solve.

On a regular day, I start with reading all my emails, respond as necessary and also identify if there are any urgent requests / issues which require my immediate attention. I then follow up by making a plan for the day based on business priorities. Depending on the projects, I usually work with multiple tools primarily SQL , Tableau and Python. Afternoons are for stand-ups where we check in for the day about updates on projects / any hiccups and what’s next followed by some meetings for projects I am focused on. I do have a habit of reviewing my analysis and looking with a fresh set of eyes through breaks or maybe even next day as time permits to try and achieve a 360-degree outlook on a problem. I typically end my day at 6 but I do try to learn something new every day. Upskilling is part of it, but even as simple as reading blogs on medium.com/analyticsvidya.com can be helpful to see what’s happening in the outside world.

What advice would you give to someone considering a career in Software Testing?

I feel Business Analytics is an “Art of Narration”. We live in an age of Digitization, but the main challenge lies in showcasing the Data which an organization possesses. The essence of Analytics lies in approaching the data, identifying patterns, and effectively communicating with business stakeholders to make effective decisions.

Why is Testing so crucial in business today?

From the moment we open our eyes in the morning, we are surrounded by data and make decisions based on that over our day. Similarly, enterprises across the globe leverage data to amplify their learning capabilities thus making key business decisions. In today’s age and time, Analytics is a crafty tool to look at the data from a different lens and making those strategic decisions data driven thus empowering organizations towards growth and success.

To learn more about Dublin CODING School’s Data Analytics Course click here.