Python is an object-oriented programming language created by Guido van Rossum. Since its release in 1991, it has been a resounding success. Used by many of the biggest organisations, such as Google, Apple, Nasa, Netflix and Spotify, to build their product, it is today one of the most in-demand programming skills. But what would you do exactly as a Python Developer?

1. Programming Software

Python is a very versatile programming language and can be used to read and create file directories, create GUIs and APIs and more. Therefore, this general-purpose language can be used to build any kind of application, from user-facing apps (like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, or Netflix) to companies’ internal software. Its ease to use and its adaptability are the reasons why most multinational companies have decided to use it to build their apps.

Additionally, as Python is an open-source language, many frameworks and libraries have been created to reduce development time. Those provide developers with pre-written code, which will help them solve various common tasks. For programming software, developers often use SciPy.


2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are everywhere nowadays. We always want smarter recommendations, improved search functionality and better personalisation. Because Python is a simple and flexible language that offers concise and readable code, it is the best programming language to quickly write reliable systems for ML and AI.

Just like Programming Software, Python has numerous frameworks and libraries such as Keras, TensorFlow, and Scikit-learn, which will allow you to build, for instance, spam filters, recommendation systems, search engines, personal assistants, or fraud detection systems in no time.

3. Data Analytics

With the perpetual growth of our data, companies are in need of people who can collect, manipulate, organise and draw conclusions from these tons of raw information. Python as an easy-to-learn and flexible language adapts perfectly to data scientists’ needs. It allows them to quickly manipulate large amounts of data and easily build reports to carry out repetitive tasks. And to accelerate the process a little bit more, some frameworks and libraries such as MumPy and Pandas are also available to help data analysts in their work.

4. Graphs and Data Visualisation

For data analysts to organise and draw conclusions from data, it is often useful to create graphs and visuals, as this will allow them to transform jumbled information into meaningful insights. This again can be done using Python. The language provides a variety of graphing libraries which allows the creation of any kind of graph, from simple graphical representation to more interactive plots. Examples of great python-based libraries are Pandas Visualisation, Seaborn and Plotly.

5. Web development

Since the first web page went live in 1989, the internet has grown exponentially, counting today more than 1.88 billion websites. To ensure their visibility, companies need to keep their website up-to-date and well-functioning. To enable communications between the user interface, the website one would access from their browser, and the company’s servers, developers use Python. Thanks to its extensive set of frameworks and libraries available for free (such as Django, Pyramid, and Flask), developers are able to speed up their progress in building their server-side web applications.

If you are interested in learning about this simple, flexible and multi-purpose programming language and would love to work in one of these in-demand sectors, Dublin CODING School offers a Python course which will help you get there! For more information, click here!