HTML creates the structure for each page that we use and view. It’s HTML that adds in page breaks, paragraphs, bold lettering, italics, and more. This structure is defined by using tags that tell the text what to do. For example, to make a word appear bold, we put that word between the following tags <strong>bold</strong>. The first tag indicates the start of the word(s) that we want to bold, and the closing tag (/) indicates where we want the bold to stop. It’s the basis for pretty much every page on the web. If you are learning to code, this is the place to start.
HTML5 is the most recent version of HTML. With each version comes new abilities, etc. However, it is always evolving. HTML5 offers more functionality. For example, It can support audio and video using the relevant tags, It is also supported by all new browsers like Chrome, Safari, Mozilla, etc. It is easier to use and it works better on mobile devices.
Why should you learn HTML?
As technology grows, it also grows within the business. If you look at your smartphone and see how many apps you have it will clearly show you the impact of technology growth and how we can depend on it. Right now, there are hundreds of thousands of roles throughout Europe that require, at the very least, HTML skills. In fact, the world is going through a severe skills gap, and as a result, salaries are always growing for software developers. Employers recognise these gaps, and according to numerous sources, they are losing vast amounts of potential revenues as a result.
Whatever your internet usage, most of what you digest, and use go back to business and various industries. It’s also there to improve services. Look at healthcare and how technologies are changing that. Look at manufacturing, architecture, and more. Because of technology and code, all these industries have been advanced significantly.
To learn more about our courses that feature HTML click HERE!
If you are interested in Web Development, then check out our Web Development (Full-Stack) course HERE!