Data Analytics has become a crucial function in the new world of work. More and more companies have a need to store, manage and utilise data than ever before. As this need grows so too does the need for new data analysts to train and fill these jobs.

If you are interested in exploring career opportunities in Data Analytics please join us for our Data Analytics Course OPEN DAY.

The day will include a free personal consultation where we can discuss your career change, and data analytics job opportunities and answer any questions you might have.


By taking the Data Analytics course at Dublin CODING School you will:

  • Learn key skills and processes being used in industry today
  • Build a portfolio of work to demonstrate in interviews
  • Gain access to our Career Centre and career counselling services
  • Learn from industry leaders from firms such as TikTok, Wayfair, and Bank of Ireland

WHEN: Friday, 14th of April, from 10 am till 5 pm