There are many myths about programming, and they often discourage those who want to pursue a career in coding. Myths such as “You have to be great at maths” or “I’m too old to learn how to code” have discouraged many people from taking up a career in programming!
In this article, we will debunk 7 common myths about programming.


1. You need to be very talented to learn to code
The truth is that anyone who is committed to hard work can learn to code. A programming language is, first of all, nothing more than a language that allows you to communicate with programmes. Programming languages seem confusing at first sight, but most modern programming languages are designed to be very easy to understand and learn. So to become a good programmer, you need to be creative, persistent, and willing to solve problems.

2. Programming is boring
Actually, the opposite is true. Technology is everywhere, and where there is technology, there is programming. There is a common misconception that programming is only about developing websites. In fact, it is a stage in technology development that can be used everywhere from games to spaceships. Programming is a creative process that allows you to create something useful. Once you’ve learned to program, you can work in almost any field. Does that sound boring?

3. It’s too late to learn to code
We can safely say that it is never too late to learn to code. Programming is a field in which there is a shortage of workers and this need will always remain. So no matter how old you are, your knowledge and skills are the most important thing. People from all walks of life with absolutely no programming experience apply to our school and are able to successfully start an internship or a job as a programmer or tester after completing their training.


4. Everything is based on mathematics
This is one of the biggest myths about programming. After all, programming is first and foremost about writing code, not mathematical formulae. Of course, you will need a basic knowledge of algebra, but you have already learned all that in school. There are areas, such as game development, where you may need to know trigonometry or physics, but even here you can take advantage of libraries and figure out what plug-ins you need to solve these problems.

5. Once you’ve mastered one language, you don’t have to learn any more
Definitely not. Programming is a field of continuous development. New languages are invented, old ones are updated. If you decide to become a programmer, you will have to keep learning and updating your knowledge, otherwise, you will not be able to work with the latest technologies. But believe us, it’s very exciting to be interested in and understand new things!

6. Some languages are better than others
When talking to programmers, it may turn out that a certain language is better, but this is just a personal opinion. Each language has a different working principle and can be used for different things. Some languages are easier to learn, but it is always worth learning more complex languages.

7. You need to go to university to learn to code
Of course, it is possible to learn to code at university, but it is not necessary. Many people have learned to code on their own, in online courses, or in coding schools. There are many different ways to learn to code, and you can easily choose the one that suits you best.


So programming is not only fun and relatively easy to learn, but it also offers interesting and promising job opportunities. And there are no limits to what you can learn. Maybe this will be your new career path?

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